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PRESTIGE hair tonic balm N 34 - black

  • 2.20 ₾
  • 2.60 ₾
  • You Save: 0.4 ₾
  • Cashback: 0.02 ₾
Hair dye PRESTIGE provides: bright and rich hair color, shine and softness. Dyes gray hair 100%.
  • color: brown
  • Category: Hair Dye
  • Brand: PRESTIGE
  • Product Code: 653345246796
  • Availability: In Stock
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Hair (henna) is a naturally cultivated dye. It restores and colors the hair without damaging the structure. How to use: add boiling water to the paint, stir until a kind of porridge is obtained. Apply to hair. Leave it on for 20 minutes and then wash it off

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