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GRASS dishwashing liquid Velly Sensitive watermelon 500 ml

  • 3.00 ₾
  • 3.50 ₾
  • You Save: 0.5 ₾
  • Cashback: 0.03 ₾
GRASS dishwashing liquid Velly Sensitive Watermelon 500 ml foams well, effectively cleans dishes and removes stubborn grease, both in hot and cold water. Does not cause skin irritation.
  • weight: 500ml
  • Category: Dishwashing
  • Brand: GRASS
  • Product Code: 4670113611194
  • Availability: Not In Stock
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GRASS dishwashing liquid Velly Sensitive Watermelon 500 ml foams well, effectively cleans dishes and removes stubborn grease, both in hot and cold water. Does not cause skin irritation.

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